Friday, February 1, 2013

Albums Of The Month Introduction

 We have chosen to do a monthly reflection on the releases which came out that month and choose our top album of them all. All of our uploaders, which is three so far (I guess now would be a good time to address this also; we are currently looking for more uploaders. We are willing to take up to ten other new uploaders to help this blog strive. If you are interested leave a comment in the chat box or talk to us on our facebook. Also remember, if you are applying to become an uploader, we are a non-profit organization and we try to only post small bands so they can gain more support. Please do not post anything too large and if you have questions you can email us at or talk to us on our facebook as posted above.)

 Anyways for the album of the month we will all try to pin our top release of the month. We will give some reasons why and rate it to our best ability. Keep in mind, this album does not need to be underground, nor does it even have to be metal. We will link the band's facebook and other links so you guys can easily check them out if you haven't heard them and we will also supply a preview song so you can get a taste.

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